nouvel espace


Déménagement de uls...

À notre grand regret, Design Island n'existe plus...
Second Life réserve bien des surprises!
Et un déménagement précipité fut plus que nécessaire.

Heureusement, uls a été accueilli par le projet AIRE sur la sim Ecologia Island. Dirigé par Marc Blieux et Maud Soupa, Aire a pour objectif de créer des espaces d'expériences reliant tous les champs de la création contemporaine et de la pensée.
C'est, pour uls, un nouvel espace virtuel a investir, un nouveau territoire d'expérimentation.

Aussi, pour l'inauguration de la plate-forme uls et dans le cadre de nos actions sur les différents moyens de transmission de l'art, le journal (U)L.S n°0, 1 et 2 sont en diffusion et consultation virtuelle. Vous pouvez également retrouver l'appel à projet concernant la collection de badge 2008 qui prendra fin le 10 octobre.

Vous pouvez dès à présent retrouver ou découvrir les projets de uls sur:
ULS, Ecologia Island (105, 192, 259)

Paradise Blaster

Anne-Valérie Gasc
july 24 - august 30, 2008
Preview july 24 at 1h30am sl time
design island - uls

«I'm an explosives expert. I make things that can be used, when it comes down to it, for sieges, wars, destruction. I'm not favour of destruction, but I'm favour of being able to push through; to move forward; to bring down walls.
An explosives expert's first of all a geologist. He looks at layers of terrain, folds, fault lines. What sort of ground will be easy to dig into? What sort may prove hard? He observes how fortresses have been built. He identifies the features of the relief that could be used for concealment or launching attacks. 
Having done that, he goes on to the experimental, trial-and-error stage. He carries out reconnaissance, he posts sentries, he orders reports. Then he works out his tactic. Sapping? A siege? Explosives, or direct assault? The method, in the end, is nothing other than this strategy.»

Michel Foucault, «I'm an explosives expert» («Je suis un artificier» [1975], in Roger-Pol Droit, Michel Foucault, entretiens).

(U)L.S n°0 | Les Trophées | documentation céline duval

About (U)L.S, artists’ periodical

(U)L.S are the initials for (Un) Limited Store located in Marseille. This structure promotes exhibitions, diffusions and productions of artists’multiples and books.
(U)L.S gives artists a carte blanche, éditing a 12 pages black and white newspaper. 5000 to 10 000 copies are printed on rotary press, a tabloid format of 430mm by 290mm.
This medium and its appropriation, is keeping in the lineage of “free papers”, a medium of impression and diffusion concerning any artistic offer, where no critical text appears, and closely connected to the artist book.

(U)L.S offers the artists a paper to be appropriated or misappropriated, to create, to invent. Through its different locations of diffusion, it must spread and propagate, must be lost and then forgotten, for others again, be collected and preserved in order to be in a free circulation.

To spread is to multiply and diversify the places of distribution. It’s also to be dispossessed of the newspaper for the benefit of an unpredictable and not traditional way. It is an autonomous work for an autonomous distribution. In this trajectory, the newspaper is going to disappear little by little, to get lost. unlimited store is a structure which wonders about the distribution of an artistic proposition. Always in search of new means of distribution, it tries to reinvent for every number different distribution means.

Most of the artists that we have invited are involved in an editorial process. We contact artists that could be interested in working inside a newspaper. For the first issue in february 2008, (U)L.S gave a carte blanche to la documentation céline duval. Céline Duval makes archives in an iconographic base of personal amateur photographs, press pictures, postcards. The classification of this documentation is the source of numerous publications. For this newspaper she diverts the sports newspaper and create an amateur’s magazine by confronting photos of persons in situations of balance.
For the next (U)L.S numbers, (un)limited store asked a “carte blanche” to Michalis Pichler and Peter Downsbrough. Michalis Pichler proposes a photographic selection of umbrellas abandoned in a urban space on a four days trip with unpredictable routes. And Peter Downsbrough relates the reflection on the distance between the newspaper and the reader, between a page and the next one.
The (U)L.S n°3 in october 2008 will be of a different kind, Nathalie Amaé will act as a curator for the newspaper.

(U)L.S numbers:
(U)L.S n°0 | Les Trophées | documentation céline duval | february 2008
(U)L.S n°1 | SOME FALLEN UMBRELLAS AND SOMETHING ELSE | Michalis Pichler | april 2008
(U)L.S n°2 | ECART | Peter Downsbrough | june 2008

Upcoming numbers:
(U)L.S n°3, carte blanche ArtistBook International, Curator Nathalie Amaé, october 2008
(U)L.S n°4, carte blanche Claude Closky, January 2009
(U)L.S n°5, carte blanche Pierre-Olivier Arnaud, April 2009

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vendredi 23 mai 2008


(U)L.S est désormais visible sur secondlife

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